Friday, May 11, 2012

For the women in my life......

As mother's day approaches, I wanted to send a special shout out to each of the women in my life.

Though many are not mothers at all, every woman I am blessed to have as a part of my life teaches me something and brings into my world their own special brand of comfort. This list is by no means all encompassing, as I know there are many women and girls who influence me every day at home, at work, and in my family. This list is simply the people I should tell every day how much I appreciate them, but do not.

So, let me say it today.

To my oldest girlfriends - the ones who cook for me, comfort me, give me advice, bring me hot chocolate, spend days and nights with me when I'm lonely, drink wine beside me, make sure I find a cab home, listen to me, share clothes, blankets, and couch space with me, and don't judge me - I hope you know how much I appreciate you.

To my grandmothers - the matriarchs, the glue, an example of putting family first, a wealth of knowledge if I'm willing to listen, a comforting word, a cozy presence, a home cooked meal, a greeting card for no reason, a person I can always learn from - I'm sorry I don't reach out more. I think of you all the time.

To my sister - a shared history, the same laugh and "phone voice", partner in crime, protector and little one at the same time, the person who can make me laugh or cry like no other, the person who has been there the whole time and always will be - I hope you know I would do anything for you.

To my Mother-in-Law - my reminder of summer, the warmest hugs, a huge supporter, number one fan, ultimate salsa and casserole-maker, and best boat companion - Thank you for all that you do.

And, most of all, to my Mother - a house that will always be home, a listening ear, a compassionate advocate, a steadfast cheerleader, a shoulder to cry on, the jello-shot-maker, the original DIY-er, a person to bounce ideas off of....the person I can't wait to tell everything to, the person whose approval I most want, the person I know will always be waiting at home - Thank you for being you and for always being there.

Mom, I am so blessed to call you my mother and my friend. I love you!

Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Awww! That made me get a little choked up - especially the part about your mom! Great post, Kelli! Jamie :)

  2. Superb, insightful expression. Very well done, Kelli!!
